What is Kratom? Why so popular?
Kratom is a natural herb/plant….it is NOT a synthetic. Meaning Kratom is grown and not made in a lab. Kratom is not regulated in most states (as a few states do have regulations on Kratom) and it is not a scheduled drug federally. This basically means you can purchase it in most states at retail stores or you can order it online. Most states do not have an age restriction on Kratom and there are no quantity limits for possession of it.
Why do people use it and how do people use it?
This is the big question that really can’t be completely answered in a brief article. Kratom is a natural, herbal painkiller. It is a drug that makes its way to the U.S. mostly from other countries, primarily coming from Asia. Those individuals with substance use disorder, will use it for its pain killer effects and others might use it as “addiction replacement.” Drug seekers of Kratom will use it in place of opioids and others will use it to help with opioid withdrawals. Some might use Kratom as an alternative drug knowing that it will not show up on their drug test because they are aware of what drugs they are tested for so it is important that in your drug testing program you rotate drug testing panels so you are not testing for the same drugs over and over again. Some youth (who might not fall under the above reasons) might gravitate to Kratom due to it being available in retail stores and not regulated in their state.
Basic Info
The drug Kratom will sometimes be marketed under different names or variations of those names such as: Maeng Da; Borneo; Bali; and Indo. Basically, the different names are various strains of Kratom that work differently. Also, the packaging and labeling of Kratom can look vastly different due to the fact it is not standardized or consistent.
Kratom Forms
- Powder (generally added to tea)
- Capsules
- Leaf
- Drink
- Dropper
- Mouth spray
- Vape oil
For More Info